
birthday card

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birthday card发音




birthday cards───生日卡

birthday cake───生日蛋糕

birthday cakes───生日蛋糕

birthday party───n.生日宴会

birthday bash───生日派对;生日庆典

birthday girl───n.生日女郎(电影名,等于惊婚计)

birthday girls───n.生日女郎(电影名,等于惊婚计)

birthday boy───生日男孩

birthday boys───生日男孩


I've just taken her birthday card down to the post.───我刚把她的生日贺卡拿去邮局寄.

I sent her a birthday card, together with a bunch of flowers.───我送了她一张生日卡, 外加一束花.

You spaced sending your own mother a birthday card?───我今年就忘了给我母亲寄生日贺卡.

a pop-up birthday card───立体生日卡

She sent me a birthday card with a heart on it.───她送一张有心形图案的生日卡给我.

She bosomed her birthday card.───她把生日贺卡揣在怀里。

birthday card arrived three days late.───生日贺卡晚到了三天。

Is It'safe to enclose cash with a birthday card?───现金放在生日卡里一起寄安全 吗 ?

Did you buy a birthday card for her?───你给她买生日贺卡了 吗 ?

Lingling: Let's send him a birthday card.───玲玲: 让我们送给他一张生日卡片.

I'm making Daning's birthday card.───我正在准备大明的生日卡片.

Mail them a check and send me a birthday card.───他们寄张支票去就行。别忘了顺便给我寄张生日贺卡。

I'm making Daming's birthday card.───我正在为大明的生日做卡片.

Send your friends a birthday card via text message or multimedia message with warm blessing.───通过短信或彩信发送生日贺卡及祝福给您的朋友.

Anne : Look, this is my birthday card to you, like it?───看, 这是我做的生日卡给你, 喜欢 吗 ?

Isabel gave me a marvellously funny birthday card.───伊莎贝尔送给我一张趣味横生的生日贺卡。


Did you receive my birthday card?



节日贺词 元旦 春节 除夕 元宵 情人节 圣诞 端午 妇女 光棍 感恩 母亲节 父亲节 中秋 重阳 国庆 庆典贺词 结婚贺词 生日贺词 开业贺词 乔迁贺词 升学贺词 对联贺词 英文贺词 其他贺词