
one horse

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one horse发音





pole horse───辕马

pole horses───辕马

iron horse───n.铁马(蒸汽火车头)

post horse───驿马

race horse───竞赛马

side horse───鞍马


the horses───马


One horse pulled 3,000 LBS and another one pulled 4,000 LBS.───一匹马能够拉动3000磅的重物而另一匹则拉得动4000磅。

A farmer produced a bale of hay. One horse or another can eat it, but not both.───一位农民产出了一捆干草。一匹马或另一匹马可以把它吃掉,但不可以两匹都吃。

promoter offers you the opportunity to bet on one horse.───促销者给你一个机会让你在其中的一匹马上押注。

Then Beijing was a gray, drab, one-horse town where the main means of transportation was the bicycle.───那时的北京是一个灰色、乏味、设施简陋的城市,其主要交通工具是自行车。

The champion has no real competition and the contest has turned into a one-horse race.───这个冠军没有真正的竞争对手,比赛谁是胜家早为人知。

The city was a gray, drab, one-horse town where the main means of transportation was the bicycle.───那时这个城市是一个灰色、乏味、设施简陋的城市,主要交通工具是自行车。

Because certain is meddlesome person mining, "The most beautiful cleaner " everybody must request to put his on him rich guest one horse.───由于某一个好事者的挖掘,“最美清洁工”不得不在自己博客上请求大家放自己一马。

In the past Beijing was a gray, drab, one-horse town where the main means of transportation was biking.───过去,北京是一个灰色、乏味、设施简陋的城市,主要交通工具是自行车。

My children call it a one-horse town.───我的孩子们称它为设施简陋的镇子。


He teamed one horse and one cow to a plow.

He even broke down one horse in an effort to understand the gallop which had constantly eluded him.

Only one horse finished the course without mishap.

It only needs one horse to come to a stud or livery yard premises incubating the disease to start a large outbreak.

When two ride on one horse, one must sit behind. 

He bet on one horse against the field.

One horse drew further and further ahead.

One horse staggered through the debris and went so far clear he couldn't be caught.

One horse forged ahead, leaving the others behind.



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